Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Just a quick update! Tomorrow, Jan. 16, I will meet with the radiology doctor who will determine if I've recovered enough motion in my arm after my surgery last month to start my radiation therapy next week.

In the meantime, I have rented a place to stay in Houston while I am going through treatment. I will have to have radiation every day, Mon.- Fri. with weekends off for six weeks.

Since my husband can't take off six weeks off from work, and we only have one car, staying in Houston seemed to be my only option. Thankfully, friends have raised money for my cancer treatment, otherwise, I don't know how we would have been able to do this! Thank God for good friends and family!


  1. Be sure and make you a CD to bring with you. They normally have a cd player in there and you can play your favortie inspirational songs while having the radiation. If they don't have one ask if you can bring yours. They shouldn't care. Sure helped me to be able to listen to those songs. Had to make sure I didn't move my feet to the music though. lol Will be praying for you.

  2. Wow Christine! I know this will be a long six weeks for all of you.
