Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Different Christmas Perspective

Cancer changes your perspective in so many ways. Especially when the doctors don't really know what type of cancer you have and so they cannot really make any confident predictions about your future.

Will my surgery next week to remove the cancerous lymph nodes under my arm cure me of cancer? Well...hopefully. But since the cancer is in my lymph nodes - a sign of advanced disease - who knows? Maybe the chemo and upcoming radiation therapy will take care of any microscopic cancer cells remaining in my body. Maybe.

But maybe not. My cancer could return at any time, which makes me think I better celebrate this holiday season as if it is my last, and that thought has given me a different perspective this time of year.

Wreath at MD Anderson for Auction
 Where some people see an overly commercialized Christmas season I see something else. I see a Christmas shopping season that puts most businesses in the black. They will have finally made enough money to cover the cost of running their business throughout the entire year, which makes it convenient for all of us. Just think of the places where we would not be able to window shop in May if it wasn't for 'the buying season' at Christmas keeping the business open. That is something I am thankful for.

Do some people 'overshop'? Sure, but that is a personal issue, just like when people overeat. They are compensating for a perceived lack of affection, or trying to measure up, or some other such shortcoming. Commercialization doesn't make people buy just as too many restaurants or too much food doesn't make people overeat. It is a perceived need, an unfulfilled want or sense of entitlement (I deserve this!) attitude that is spurring the behavior.

Another pretty wreath
So when I read, as I did this week, a well-known pastor's daily devotion where he was putting down the modern day celebration of Christmas and all it's 'hustle and bustle' I had a different perspective. I have spent most of the last 24 weeks in seclusion with my chemo and face spending the next several weeks at home recovery from my surgery. I miss the hustle and bustle! I miss hearing the Christmas music blaring over the store speakers. I miss seeing shiny new Christmas merchandise and shopping for presents for my loved ones. I may not get another chance!

I think Christmas represents how much God has given to us, even if we don't have much to spend. Because of Christ we have this season. Because of His love, we have been given loved ones to buy for. And if we don't have money to buy presents, because of Christ we have His word, which tells us that whatever state we find ourselves in we learn to be content.

"Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content" 
Philippians 4:11 (Emphasis mine.)

Have you even noticed the word 'learn' in that verse before? Contentment is learned, it doesn't just happen. That was a revelation to me when I found that out.

Contentment is a learning process, it isn't just given to you or a feeling that could come or go. It is learned. If you are feeling discontent this Christmas season, if you are feeling it is to commercialized, too long, too expensive, too much of a hassle, too whatever - learn contentment by focusing on what is good during this season. Be glad for what you are able to do, where you are able to go and what you are allowed to see.

Reading through His word, meditating on His promises, remembering the birth of His son who was sent to guide you through your life, with all this contentment can be learned. And then you can find joy in the season. 

Merry Christmas!


  1. Excellent, excellent word:) Merry Christmas to you Christine!

  2. Well again you are right ...we should make the life that we want to have and cherish time spent with loved ones as they are too soon gone .I know this as I have lost both Father (at age of 43 ) and mother(age 66 ) and 4 brothers . One lived to be 51...the other three were in their early 40's when they died ....leaving children and kin to miss them sorely.I wish many a time that I could speak with them again ,tell them how much I love them and just enjoy their company again. I don't think we ought to worry about what can happen or the what if's in our lives . As you said God is in control . Who can change or add one day to our life ...only God .So take the days we are given ...keep sharing his truths and spreading His love wherever we go .We were made to bring Him glory ...I fall short of this many a time . But His love for me never changes .His care never waivers . His mercy is always there when I need it .He has a plan and it is far better than anything I can dream up .I am thankful you are in our family and will be for a long time to come ...So know that we are looking forward to seeing you around for years to come ..just hope I have a few more years in me .After all I am 67 years old ... and that is a lot of years
    Gayle Welborn

  3. I like your perspective, Christine. It's beautiful, and comes from a woman with a beautiful spirit. Thanks for sharing!


  4. We haven't been in the Christmas "spirit" much lately, but I'm encouraged by what you wrote, thank you! Praying for you & your family this season xoxo Deby
